Your Turn Now - Heartening Stories of Everyday Kindness inspired by the Little Blue Card, is a simple yet beautiful book published by FunOKPlease. It is penned by Lubaina Bandukwala and illustrated by Shraddha Pimputkar.

Frankly, when I read about the book, I was a little apprehensive about it, I wondered if Z would appreciate it. The reason was, I usually do not pick up moral or inspirational stories for Z. If she learns a lesson from a fun story, it is alright, but I steer clear away from moral stories. The thing is, my little girl reads for fun, she enjoys reading like nothing else, I don't want to take that away from her.
Anyway, I picked up the book, just to try it out. It is clearly meant for slightly older kids, but I was ready to explore the book with Z. And did we love it or what????
Both of us were totally in love with the stories and Rushabh Turakhia's global initiative Your Turn Now. You can read more about it here.
Both of us were totally in love with the stories and Rushabh Turakhia's global initiative Your Turn Now. You can read more about it here.
The book was an eye opener for me as a parent, I didn't realise, in today's fast paced life we are leaving humanity, kindness and love behind. It was a simple book, which touched me at many levels. For a little girl, who isn't even 6 yet, this was a big book with lots of stories, stories she wants to re-visit and discuss with her friends, her parents, her teachers et. al.
In Z's words, "The book is just so good Mumsy, I think I will read it again. I loved the kindness cards I received with the book, I will be kind and share it with my friends."
I have ordered a copy for the library as well, and looking forward to purchase Your Turn Now-2
You can pick a copy of Your turn now from the Flipkart link below:
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