Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Pricess Mashallah completes half a year

My baby has turned 6 months today (Mashallah) and I can't express the feeling... I'm elated, happy, feel even more responsible, excited, and what not.

Zoe means 'full of life' and ZoeZo has definitely added a new life to Fizz and my life. We can't express how incomplete we were before Zoe was born. It feels that. my life was completely incomplete and Zoe more than completed it. The past 6 months have truly been a roller coaster ride.

When Zoe arrived, the first month saw a scared and skeptical me. I have never handled kids before, leave aside small babies... and here there was a small little life completely dependent on me.

By the second month, my apprehensions became lesser and I started getting irritated. There were times when Zoe cried endlessly and I couldn't understand why she was doing it. She just cried, slept and had milk. Still there were things which I loved in the second month, Zoe started smiling, resembling me more, by the end of 2nd month her colic reduced considerably. The last thing was a HUGE relief.

The 3rd month saw Zoe playing with mommy & daddy... she loved her bouncer, her cot mobile and her pram rides. Now the irritation reduced loved cuddling, taking care of, or just seeing ZoeZo.

The actual test started from the 4th month, till now had loads of people in the family to help me take care of Zoe, but now I was left all alone (Barring the 2 weeks my mommy was with me... Love You Ma). We shifted to Bangalore. Surprisingly my bebu took the change very positively. Mashallah, She started sleeping through the night, her feeds became regular, towards end of 4th month solids were introduced and ZoeZo (Mashallah) took it very nicely.

The fifth and sixth month have been even better (thank you so much Allah), Zoe started responding, laughing out loud when someone spoke to her. Teething was a bit of an issue but when I saw two beautiful teeth sprouting (which are still on it's way) I was so happy, all my worries disappeared. She has now started trying to sit up unassisted which she will Inshallah accomplish soon (will keep you guys posted).

To end it, this would be incomplete without a message for the family from Zoe...

Ammoo : Love you Ammoo, please come soon to Bangalore, I miss the food you used to make for me.
BabbieAmmoo : Mumsu says you have met me, but I hardly remember, I want to meet you real fast
Aanie : Miss you Aanie, I will come to Delhi soon Inshallah... Love the loads of pretty dresses you have given me...
Khalujaan : You were my buddy in Delhi, miss u KJ
NooKha : You are beautiful NooKha, that is why I used to love watching you dress up. Will you teach me how to apply makeup and dress right when I grow up?
BhaiJaan : Ailaboo, I miss you bro, please come to Bangalore real soon.
ShaluAmmoo : I used to love sitting on your lap... come to Bangalore soon
PeeKha : I just love it when you call me Mumpy Pumpy Princess. Miss you so much PeeKha.
MaazMoo : You should speak more often to me and stop clicking my pics whenever you see me.
ImmMoo : Mumsu says you are my God Father, please come to Bangalore real soon, and tell me why should I call you my Godfather...

And now a message for the JhingBang who hasn't met me...

KJaan and H'Cha : I hope to see you all in November, please come...
Jaan and SimMaami : I can't wait to meet you all in Nov, visit Bangalore before that please... Mumsu says you (Jaan) and Mumsu have had a great time growing up, please temme your stories
Farru Ammoo: You just keep saying you will pull my cheeks, I'm waiting... Love You (I would love to eat all the delicious stuff you make)
ZoKha: Mumsu says when ZoKha will come we will have lots of fun, I miss being with you ZoKha, I wanna be there with you. Come and visit me real, real, real soon
ZeeKha: I'm waiting for you to come. Mumsu tells me before I became mumsu's princess, Mumsu had a princess already,that was you.
FuKha: Please come and play with me. I loved the birthday party invitation you sent...
Maamu Naana/Maami Naani/SashooKha: I will be in SPN for my Birthday, be ready to pamper me to the core.

Thanks ZoeZo for being 'full of life' like your name. Love you my baby.

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