Just realized I have neglected BZM for the longest time, which ain't good. Z turned 3.5 recently (26th May) and its time for an update for sure.
We are half-way through threes and Z will be 4 in a couple of months. So you have become a 'blabber box' if I may introduce that term for you. You love to talk, and get offended if anyone of us asks you to sit quietly. Like yesterday, when we were heading to your bestie's Birthday, I told you to keep quiet, you made a face, said "Why don't you talk Mommy?". I don't know what got into my head, I said something, and you immediately said "Stop this Puck-Puck-Puck Mommy". I got the point, won't stop you from now onwards Missy.
Books still hold your interest like nothing else. You current favorite, Tiddler and Bear Feels Ill. Now that you have started blending words, you want to read EVERYTHING. This isn't possible yet, but I love your enthusiasm. You remind me of Michelle Tanner in one of the Full House episode where she is adamant to start reading.
You had your Aanie and Zeffy Bhai come over, and Boy! did you have a blast or what. Your tent was your favorite hangout with your brother, and we thanked our stars that both you and Zeffy didn't need anyone.

You have made so many new friends and I love to see you enjoy yourself when Mommy is busy in her sessions. I wouldn't have done it without you Zee-Bee... Stay like this forever.
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