Super Simple ... Super Fast Christmas Craft. I'm not a Crafty mom at all... I can mess up even if it comes to sticking to pieces together...Yes I'm that bad. So this is what I tried with Z this year. I made this little ornament out of Ice-cream sticks for Z's Christmas Tree.

This craft is very simple, you would hardly need 5 minutes to create this and a little time for the paint to dry. Here is the stuff you need:

- 3 Ice-cream Sticks
- Green Paint
- Brown Paint
- Paint Brush
- Glue
- Construction Paper
- Small Itsy-Bitsy stuff to decorate the tree
- Small piece of Red Satin Ribbon

Follow these steps:
- Paint the Ice-cream Sticks green on the both sides, keep it aside to dry.
- Cut the construction paper into a square of 2 inches * 2 inches, paint that brown on both the sides.
- Stick the ice-cream sticks to make a triangle
- Stick the construction paper in the middle of one of the side, as the trunk of the Christmas Tree
- Decorate the Tree
- Tie the ribbon at the tip of the Tree on the top
Taa-Daa your tree is ready!

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