Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Being Zoe's Mum and 2014

I missed you in 2014... As I missed being the hands on mum I've been since Z was born. I feel weird when I actually think about this lying down besides Z after making her sleep. Work did become a priority in 2014, though I'd like to add... not for a moment ... not once did I ignore my personal life (Z, Fizz and my home).I still feel I could've done better on the personal front... Like I did professionally. That's one thing I'd like to balance better in the coming year.

Though I might say I wasn't too good as a mum in the year gone by... Z has become extremely close to me though. She doesn't want to let go off me at times. I make sure I spend as much time as I can with her. In the coming year I plan to do a lot of fun stuff with Z. Maybe Z's first international trip... Who knows! Fingers and toes crossed.

I ignored the blog completely. Did nothing besides some book reviews and a few random posts. I'll try to make it alive again. I plan to do 2 posts a month... I will try.

Here's wishing all the readers and everyone out there a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 2015

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